Traditional Latin Mass community serving Salisbury, N.C. and surrounding areas. All are welcome!
Salisbury Latin Mass Community
Are You Looking for a parish with the Latin Mass in western North Carolina (Charlotte Diocese) and parts of South Carolina? Visit the Carolina Traditional Liturgy Society's website here:
Carolina Traditional Liturgy Society, formerly known as the "St. Ann Latin Mass Ministry", serves as a resource for the Latin Mass in our region. You are encouraged to offer prayers for the success of the Society, and to subscribe to their weekly newsletter by going to their website:
THE LAST SCHEDULED MASS IN THE EXTRAORDINARY FORM AT SACRED HEART IN SALISBURY, N.C. was celebrated in 2024 on the First Sunday after Epiphany, the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The celebrant was Father Michael Carlson, parochial vicar at St. Mark, Huntersville at that time. Father Eric L. Kowalski, pastor of St. Francis of Assisi in Mocksville, assisted during the distribution of Holy Communion. One hundred and forty souls were in attendance.
We would like to extend our gratitude for the beautiful Sacra Musica provided by the Sacred Heart Schola and those who travelled to join the schola for this last Mass. We also give a special thank you to Seminarian Luke Martin, who during his current assignment at Sacred Heart was instrumental at bringing our Latin Mass schola together:
Kelly and Nolan Osborne, Lelani, Mary and Regina Chaney, Annie.
Those who travelled to participate in singing this last Mass:
Hanna and Heather Martin (family of seminarian Luke Martin).
Steve and Beth Altmanshofer and their children, Barbara Manson and Lillie (Our Lady of Grace, Greensboro).
Conductor of the Chants:
Luke Martin, Seminarian.
Conductrix of the Polyphony:
Barbara Manson.
Mr. Bruce VanVorst and Mr. Gregory Miller.
Mr. VanVorst has faithfully ushered throughout all the years of our Latin Mass, and Mr. Miller for most of those years. To each we give a special thank you.
Please pray for the restoration of the Latin Mass at Sacred Heart in Salisbury.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
375 Lumen Christi Lane, Salisbury, NC 28147
ON DECEMBER 26, 2023 the diocesan newspaper Catholic News Herald published an article titled "Bishop Jugis announces changes to Traditional Latin Mass offerings". The article explains changes related to the celebration of the extraordinary form of the Mass in the diocese. These changes affect our community. In short, after the January 7th Mass, this beautiful and solemn expression of our faith will no longer be celebrated on a schedule at Sacred Heart. Further, there are currently no provisions for a Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) in Salisbury.
THROUGH THE MOST GRACIOUS EFFORTS initially of His Excellency Peter J. Jugis, Bishop Emeritus and now currently His Excellency Michael Martin, Bishop of the Diocese of Charlotte, this "usus antiquior of the liturgy" will continue to be celebrated weekly on Sundays, at least for the time being, at these parishes:
In Charlotte at St. Ann and St. Thomas Aquinas
In Greensboro at Our Lady of Grace
In Tryon at St. John the Baptist
In Marion at Our Lady of the Angels
AS OUR COMMUNITY PRAYS for the return of the Latin Mass to our parish, we offer our heartfelt thanks to Father John Eckert, pastor of Sacred Heart, for his support and accommodation of the Traditional Latin Mass.
WE ALSO EXTEND A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Father John Putnam, former pastor at Sacred Heart, and Father Jason Barone, former parochial vicar, who were responsible for the re-introduction of the weekly Sunday Mass and a Wednesday daily Mass into our parish in 2012. Father Noah Carter followed Father Barone as parochial vicar and continued weekly Masses. Father Carter left Sacred Heart in the fall of 2014 to continue studies in Rome to complete a Licentiate in Theology. We then depended upon many visiting priests to maintain at first a weekly and then a monthly Sunday Mass schedule. Without the generous and unselfish giving of these priests' time our parish would have been without the TLM over these many years. To each these priests, in a spirit of great gratitude, we continue to offer our prayers.
Father Joseph Wasswa has quite often visited Sacred Heart to celebrate our monthly Latin Mass. Father Wasswa, then parochial vicar at Our Lady of Grace, Greensoboro, and a dear friend to many at Sacred Heart, his home parish in the U.S.A. Upon our request, Father has provided a copy of his homily "Faithfulness: A Key To A Happy Marriage" which he preached on the Fourth Sunday of Advent, 2023. We believe in reading it carefully you will find it to be quite inspirational. The homily is available here as a PDF file.
Although the Latin Mass is not currently celebrated at Sacred Heart we still welcome anyone to sign up on our email list. However, we will send email notifications only when there's a note-worthy event or development which affects the TLM at Sacred Heart.
Simply enter email address in the box below and click subscribe. You may opt out at any time using the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of every email we send. We do not share your information with anyone.
The Confraternity of Our Lady of Fatima hosted a live question and answer session with Bishop Schneider on May 13th, 2022. Watch the recorded discussion here:
With the reintroduction of the Mass in the extraordinary form into the Sacred Heart parish in 2012 by Father Jason Barone, then parochial vicar, with the approval of Father John Putnam, then pastor, there quickly developed a group of lay faithful from within the parish and surrounding area who became attached to this liturgical tradition.
The rapid growth this group necessitated the development of an effective means of communication, and so the "Salisbury Latin Mass Community" began in 2014 to meet this need.
"The Roman Missal promulgated by Pope Paul VI is the ordinary expression of the lex orandi (rule of prayer) of the Catholic Church of the Latin rite. The Roman Missal promulgated by Saint Pius V and revised by Blessed John XXIII is nonetheless to be considered an extraordinary expression of the same lex orandi of the Church and duly honoured for its venerable and ancient usage. These two expressions of the Church’s lex orandi will in no way lead to a division in the Church’s lex credendi (rule of faith); for they are two usages of the one Roman rite."
Information on how to support St. Joseph College Seminary:
"...our motto is the imperative Noli Timere. These are the words the angel spoke to St. Joseph: “Do not be afraid, Joseph, to take Mary as your wife.” We pray that these young men would not be afraid to take the Church to themselves as Her priests, as friends of the Bridegroom Jesus Christ." ~ From the STJCS website.
"The Veterum Sapientia Institute promotes the learning of Lain as the majestic, universal, sacred, immutable, and concise language of the Catholic family. We offer the keys to the vast patrimony of the Faith through online courses, in-person workshops, and Vatican-accredited certificate and diploma programs." ~ from the Veterum Sapientia Institute.
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All content and images not authored by Salisbury Latin Mass Community are copyright of their respective owners, and are not warranted from containing errors or omissions.
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The S.L.M.C. is a lay volunteer effort assisting and supporting the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) in the Salisbury, N.C. area. Contact us: